Jam from apples at home: simple recipes for making delicious apple jam
- Jam from apples for the winter at home - a simple step by step recipe
- Delicious apple jam for the winter through a meat grinder
- Apple jam for the winter in a multicooker - a simple recipe
- Jam of apples and plums for the winter
- How to cook jam with apples and pears for the winter at home
- Apples jam with five minutes slices - transparent and amber, quick and easy
- How to make apple jam White filling for the winter
- Apples jam for winter at home simple recipe in a slow cooker
- Secrets and tips, small utility for inexperienced chefs
Jam of apples at home and its simple recipes that can be better for baby food and cooking on its basis of various pastries and baking.
A lot of buns, cookies, pies and huge woven sheets on the whole sheet will become the signature family recipes thanks to the home-made jam, without any thickeners and preservatives there.
And just spread on a fresh bread, covered with a thin layer of homemade butter and ready a delicious addition to tea or morning coffee. I write and directly hear the delicious subtle aroma of home-made food, which is an indispensable part of my home menu.
Simple recipes:
It is no wonder that apples are called the fruit of youth and they believe that at least one apple a day should be present on every person’s menu.
A full range of vitamins and minerals, vital food acids, pectin allow a person, regularly eating these fruits, to preserve youth, vigor and health to a ripe old age. And children and young men grow up healthy and strong.
Nutritionists recommend apples for use in various diets, in particular for weight loss and normalization of digestion.
You can boil apple jam from some apples, and you can mix it with any fruits, berries, and even vegetables, an example is the carrot, the scope for imagination here is unusually large. You can use starch or gelatin for greater density, or you can simply boil it to the desired consistency.
And so, proceeds to the preparation of jam for the winter and gradually go from simple to more complex and time-consuming.
It is desirable to have a food processor or electric meat grinder on hand, it will save time considerably, but those who do not have enough will get along with a simple, better saucepan - wide and big, made of stainless steel with a thick bottom of several layers of metal.
Jam from apples for the winter at home - a simple step by step recipe
This recipe will turn out even for someone who has never cooked a jam in his life. Preparing quickly and in the morning it is quite possible to serve it with tea.
Ingredients: per kilogram of apples and sugar, apples are suitable for any color and taste, you can even use unripe.
A simple recipe for home cooking:
- My apples and quickly cut them into slices, seeds and seed chamber is not necessary to remove, then you will understand why.
- Put the saucepan on the stove, lay out the sliced apples, pour in a little water and boil on a low heat for about ten minutes.
- Drain and let cool to a warm state.
- We rub through a sieve, all seeds and skins naturally will not pass through it.
- Add sugar to the mashed potatoes and set on medium heat, bring to a boil and leave to boil on the smallest light, stirring occasionally, so that it does not stick to the bottom.
- The mass should get a uniform, amber color, transparent and fragrant.
- Readiness is checked simply - drop a drop from a spoon on a saucer. If it does not spread and keeps its shape, then it’s done.
- After cooling, lay out on dry clean banks, close the lids and store for storage in the refrigerator or cellar.
Enjoy your meal!
Delicious apple jam for the winter through a meat grinder
Another simple way to get a homogeneous jam is to skip apples through a meat grinder. Do not forget to remove the seeds from them, together with the seed chamber, otherwise they will fall in the finished product and spoil the impression. It takes a little time and effort, but it improves the result.
Ingredients: three pounds of apples, two pounds of granulated sugar.
Cooking method:
- Wash apples and dry on a towel.
- We cut into pieces, removing the seed chamber.
- We skip apples through a meat grinder, put them in a saucepan, and mix with sugar.
- We put on the stove and on medium heat bring to a boil, and then cook on a small fire. Stirring to the required thickness, which is checked, dripping on the saucer.
- We put in clean, dry jars and store stored in a cool basement.
Enjoy your meal in winter!
I propose to look at the subject of blanks for interesting recipes:
- Bell pepper lecho
- Cucumber salad
- Borsch soup for soup
- Compote from apples and cherries
Apple jam for the winter in a multicooker - a simple recipe
It is very convenient to cook in a slow cooker - set the time and do not stand with a spoon, stirring so as not to burn. Apples can be used with damage, different varieties and unripe too.
Ingredients: apples one kilogram, half a kilo sugar.
Start cooking:
- Rinse and clean the apples, remove the seed chamber and tails, cut off the damaged areas.
- Put in a bowl of a food processor and chop into dust.
- Add sugar and roll at low speed until sugar completely dissolves.
- Put the resulting mass into the multicooker bowl and select the cooking or baking mode. Bring to a boil and switch to quenching for 1 hour.
- When ready, immediately put into sterile dry jars and roll up. Store in a cool place.
It is a pity that the volume of the microwave does not allow to cook a lot of jam at once!
Jam of apples and plums for the winter
One of those that children like best and are best suited for baking large pasties - open pies with dough grid on top.
- kilogram sweet apples,
- plums are sweet ripe, of any color — blue, red, yellow, prunes — also a kilogram,
- sugar and a half kilograms.
The recipe is simple:
- Carefully wash the apples and plums, dry them on a towel and remove the seed chamber from the apples, and the seeds from the plums.
- Pass the prepared fruit through a food processor or meat grinder.
- Put it in a saucepan, mix with sugar and boil for fifteen minutes over low heat.
- Leave infusion hours twelve.
- Again bring to a boil and boil over low heat for another fifteen minutes.
- Remove from the stove and immediately lay out on sterile dry banks, roll up and after cooling down, store in the basement.
Very tasty, fragrant and healthy!
How to cook jam with apples and pears for the winter at home
The combination of apples and pears, it must be said bluntly, divine nectar. This jam will not leave anyone indifferent from your home.
Ingredients: a kilo of pears, a pound of apples and a kilogram of granulated sugar.
- Carefully wash apples and pears, cut them into slices, without removing the seed chambers. and laid in the prepared container.
- Fill with a small amount of water and boil for ten minutes.
- Drain and let cool to warm.
- We rub through a sieve, seed cameras will remain on a sieve.
- Put mashed potatoes in a saucepan, mix with sugar and set on a slow heat.
- After boiling, cook for about half an hour, stirring often, so as not to stick to the bottom of the pan. Check the density, dripping jam on a saucer. If the drop spreads, then boil some more time.
- Cool jam ready and spread on dry clean banks. Store in a cold cellar.
Enjoy your meal!
Useful recipes for future use:
- Eggplant Caviar
- Magnificent apple charlotte
Apples jam with five minutes slices - transparent and amber, quick and easy
This jam will require a little more time, but the result, believe me, is worth it! Guests will appreciate the tea and will ask out the recipe without fail!
Ingredients: three kilos of ripe, sweet-sour apples, yellow, half a kilo of sugar, three mint leaves and a pinch of vanillin.
- Wash and dry apples on a towel.
- He takes out the seed chamber and divides it into two parts.
- We grind the first part in a food processor to dust, put the mashed potatoes in a saucepan, mix with sugar and set on the stove for slow heating.
- Quickly cut the second half of the apples into small slices or cubes and pour them to the prepared one when the mashed potatoes boil.
- Shallow mint leaves and also send to the pan. We are waiting for five minutes after boiling, stirring slightly and remove from heat.
- Let it brew for 6-12 hours and again bring to a boil slowly heated and cook for 5 minutes.
- Once again, let it brew for 6-12 hours and boil for another 5 minutes, adding a pinch of vanillin.
- Hot spill on sterile dry banks and roll up.
We keep in the cellar, we get on the occasion of the reception of dear guests!
How to make apple jam White filling for the winter
White filling is a sort of apple that is generally ideal for making jam. He perfectly boils soft and looks great in this blank.
Ingredients: White apples pouring a kilogram, sugar half a kilogram and a couple of pinches of cinnamon.
Cooking at home:
- Apples to wash thoroughly and dry on a towel.
- Remove the seed chamber and pass through a food processor or meat grinder.
- The resulting puree put in a saucepan and mix with sugar and cinnamon.
- Simmer until cooked, stirring with a wooden spatula.
- Hot pour on the banks and roll up. After cooling down, place in the cellar.
Classic and traditional taste, quick and easy preparation. Enjoy your meal!
Apples jam for winter at home simple recipe in a slow cooker
Apple jam is poured simply delicious and very tasty. It reminds me of childhood - childhood, when I went outside into the courtyard to take a walk with a crust of bread with jam spread on it.
Secrets and tips, small utility for inexperienced chefs
Apples are all good for jam and other blanks and taste, and color, and texture, and aroma. But they have one major drawback - they very quickly darken and oxidize in air, being cut.
There are three ways to avoid this:
- Prepare blanks in small amounts.
- Do everything quickly, but only very experienced hostesses can do it.
- Immerse sliced apples as they are cut into a slightly acidic water - citric acid or apple cider vinegar. Then drain in a colander to drain water and then cook according to the recipe.
To stir the jam and jam, it is best to have a wooden flat spoon with a long handle in the kitchen, because the metal tends to heat up quickly and with frequent stirring it is quite fashionable to get a burn.
Rubbing boiled fruit through a sieve is not at all scary and short-lived, one has only to try and make sure of it.
Any berries can be added to the jam, but then you need to choose the method of preparation using rubbing through a sieve, as many berries have small seeds and bones, which have nothing to do in the jam!
You can also experiment with the addition of other fruits and even vegetables, carrots, zucchini, pumpkins, just do not forget the proportions, per kilogram of prepared raw materials at least half a kilogram of sugar.
If you are not sure that you put enough sugar for storage under the capron cover, then feel free to pour the jam or jam into sterile dry jars hot and roll.
Well, perhaps everything, enjoy your appetite and successful preparations!